Posts Tagged ‘Work’

I Am Busy…

Posted: May 4, 2012 in Biographical

(Blows the cobwebs away).

I am truly sorry to say that I have been remiss in my blogging responsibilities.

I am therefore, under strict instruction from Teelaine, taking the time to let you all know that I am still here and am still reading (not that I should have needed that nudge).

I started a new role in February and I have to be honest, it has taken up a little bit more mental capacity than I had anticipated.

I will try harder from this point onward to make a conscious effort to make time in my week to put some thoughts down.

However, just because I haven’t said anything doesn’t mean I am not still listening, observing, musing, considering.

Who would have thought a tiny change in life could have such an enormous impact on my social interaction?