Posts Tagged ‘Elementary Circle’

The new year arrived with a very humbling surprise for me; I received a Liebster Award for my blog from Jennifer M. Hartsock – a writer who’s views and commentary I find to be so engaging and thought-provoking, that I felt compelled to subscribe to her blog – thus ensuring that I never miss the opportunity to enter into a rewarding debate.

In line with the guidelines for accepting the award, I am awarding a  Liebster Award to the following five blogs that I love to read:

Fydsy’s Blog – “Jan Gorski-Mescir: writes about football, art, history, politics, atheism, humanity and all those other foibles humankind is so good at getting wrong…” – A writer who stimulates thought and is guaranteed to enlighten with every post.

Elementary Circle – “C-C Lester: Is a female writer from Berkshire, England… (who) writes teenage fantasy fiction, and women’s fiction.” – I look forward to the day when I can walk into my local Waterstones or log on to Amazon and purchase her latest, wonderfully crafted, novel.

Streams of Consciousness – “Coco Rivers loves words, in all forms and all languages. Writing is a passion that has governed her life since she was 14 years old. As with all great passions, it leads and you follow. Mastering wordplay is her lifelong endeavor, a labor of love.” –  Through her blog Coco gives in to the passion of the moment, whatever that is.  I am just glad that she allows me to come along for the ride.

Doodlemum – “37, short, defensive, far too chatty for my own good, mother, artist, noisy, chocolate loving and permanently tired. (I know,  how many bloody adjectives do I need…)” – Angie illustrates and writes one of the most endearing and creative blogs I have the pleasure of subscribing to.  In years to come her work will adorn the shelves of every major book store; the kind of gift every young child will adore.

Single Malt Monkey – “So, my blog is me travelling in cyberspace and hopefully linking up with fellow men and women across the world. It’ll be about creative positive people and their/my work. I grew up in the 60’s and believed in peace and love, man. Aaarghh, sod it – I still do.” – Through Al’s eyes, experiences and creative offerings I am able to travel the world, enjoy the sights and sounds of exotic and rich cultures and gain a greater appreciation for the positive elements of life that we can so often over-look.

Liebster is a German word that means beloved or favorite. This is an award from fellow bloggers given to blogs that have less than 200 followers.

These are requirements that you need to fulfill should you accept this award:

  • Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
  • Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
  • Give your top 5 picks for the award
  • Inform your top 5 by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Post the award on your blog.